Frdlweb CDN

Our Content Delivery Network, the Frdlweb CDN ( ) is powered by (a proxy random race of):

For example, the Frdlweb CDN is the host of our webfan-website.js project, wich runs most of the webfans/frdlwebs websites javascripts, even this site.


  • Main Core (see how to config):
    ((q, w,d)=>{
    var s=d.createElement('script');
    s.setAttribute('src', '' + q);	
    s.onload=async ()=>{
       //page and library loaded and bootstrapped...
       //  await window.frdlweb () === await window.require('frdlweb') 
     window, document);	
  • Multi-Language
  • DM-Captcha
  • Domain Check (Simple Whois) Demo Code: <frdlweb-domain-check-whois></frdlweb-domain-check-whois>
  • RSS Viewer Component - Demo
  • Random (background) image
  • Dark Mode
  • Markdown

ℹ️ More info…

If you want to run your own content on our CDN, you can start with Webfan Hub, so far.

If you want to use it locally/on your own domain, you can use this module.

To read some information about the software we use, you can visit the Webfan Software Page or .

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